Constitution and By-Laws – June 2024

Article 1... Name

This organization shall he known as the American Bantam Association, Inc.

Article 2 ... Objects

Section 1: To encourage the breeding, exhibiting, and selling of purebred bantams.

Section 2: To create a cooperative feeling among the different breeders and to get better acquainted.

Section 3: To sponsor national, district, state, and special meets so as to build up a greater bantam fancy.

Section 4: To assemble and distribute information on the breeding husbandry and economic value of bantam chickens and ducks.

Article 3 ... Membership

Section 1: Any person of good moral repute interested in bantams or any organization promoting the interests of bantams may be a member in one of the following classes:

(1)    Annual membership: individual, couple, or partnership.

(2)    Associate membership - any local, state, or provincial club or fair which has been organized or has a strong interest in bantams and their promotion.

(3)    Family membership - defined as one household and with no limit on the number of children.

(4)    Life membership - Individual Only.

(5)    Licensed judges shall have either an Individual Annual membership or a Life membership

Applicants are accepted as ABA members upon application and payment of dues. Names are not submitted for approval to the Board of Directors or voted on by the membership.

Article 4 ... Annual and Special Meeting

Section 1: The Annual Meeting shall be held during the time of the National Meet with date and hour to be arranged by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2: If during any year, a National Meet is not held, the Board of Directors shall select the place and date for the Annual Meeting.

Section 3: A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association may be called by the president on written request from the majority of the Directors.

Such a meeting to be called not less than 15 days nor more than 60 days later than the date of the request. No business other than that specified in the call for the special meeting shall be considered at such a meeting.

Section 4: The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare a complete agenda for the meetings called and this agenda shall serve as the order of business.

Section 5: Twenty-seven members present and voting shall constitute a quorum at annual or special meetings.

Article 5 ... Officers and Committees

Section 1: Officers shall be: President, Vice-President. Secretary-Treasurer, Election Commissioner, State and Provincial Representatives, and 16 Directors - one from each District of the Association.

Section 2: The Board of Directors, all elected positions, shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President and the 16 District Directors or their proxies (see Article 4, Section 3 of the By-Laws). The Secretary/Treasurer shall be ex-officio, and shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the Board meetings. Past Presidents of the Association may also sit with the Board of Directors in an ex-officio capacity. Ex-officio is defined as having the privilege of the floor, but not that of making or seconding motions, nor of voting.

Section 3: The President, Vice-President and Directors shall be elected, and the committee chairmen appointed by the President, each for a term of two years.

The Election Commissioner shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of two years. The President, Vice-President may be elected for two consecutive terms and Directors may be elected to three consecutive terms. Officers and Directors may be reelected after a time lapse of four years. Any candidate for the office of President or Vice-President must first have served a term as District Director. The Secretary-Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors and serves at their pleasure.

Section 4: State and provincial representatives shall be appointed by the elected director of the respective district. Appointments are to be made by May 1 following the election and if not made by the Director at that time the Secretary-Treasurer shall make them.

Section 5: The six standing committees of the Association shall be:

Ways and Means Committee - the Vice-President shall be one of the three members; the other two members, as well as the Chairperson, shall be appointed by the President.

Standard Committee: The Chairperson shall be appointed by the President; this Chairperson, in turn, shall appoint two other members. All committee members shall be licensed ABA judges.

Constitution and By-Laws - Grievance and Appeals - Judges Licensing Committee and Publicity Committee: The chairperson shall be appointed by the President; this Chairperson, in turn, shall appoint two other members.

Section 6: Any office vacated during the year shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the Board of Directors.

Section 7: The Secretary Treasurer shall act as secretary of all standing committees and special committees. When a committee or member there is unable to act or fails to perform their duties, the President shall appoint replacements

Section 8: The term of officers and committees shall begin on April 1 or as soon as possible thereafter and terminate on March 31 two years later.

Section 9: Geographical division of districts shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and can be changed in any year divisible by five.

Section 10: No person shall hold office who is not a member in good standing

Section 11: Any officer, director, or committee member who fails to function in office, elected or appointed, is subject to being relieved of position upon a three-fourth vote at an Annual Meeting. 

Section 12: No officer, individual, or committee shall render the association liable for an amount exceeding the appropriation provided by vote at the Annual Meeting.

Section 13: Each committee shall receive instructions from its Chairman who in turn can get help from the Secretary-Treasurer. All reports and findings shall be reported to the Secretary-Treasurer for recording.

Section 14: A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be the interpreter of the constitution and by-laws when the Association is not in session.

Article 6 ... Amending the Constitution and By-laws

Section 1: All reasonable proposals to amend the Constitution shall be first submitted to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. The Committee shall add its’ recommendations, and said proposal(s) shall be published in the quarterly at least 30 days prior to the next regular meeting of the Association.

Section 2: Such amendments must be approved by a 2/3 vote of all members present and voting at the regular called meeting. If approved by said 2/3rds majority vote, than a ballot shall be sent to the entire membership, where a majority vote of the returned ballots shall rule.

Section 3: Voting on amendments by all members of the Association shall take place as soon after the meeting where approved as possible.

Section 4: Voting on amendments to the Constitution shall be limited to the same ballot as the election of Officers and Directors, and shall be returned to the Secretary-Treasurer and counted by the Election Commissioner.

Section 5: It is the prerogative of the Board of Directors to change the By-Laws. All suggestions must first be referred to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee for study and recommendations to the Board. After the Board approval, the proposed changes shall be published in the quarterly at least 30 days prior to the next scheduled Board meeting. Written comments will be accepted from the membership during this 30 day period. Following this, said proposal(s) must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.


Article 1...Duties of the President: The President shall execute all duties imposed upon him at the time of his election. He shall be a member of and act as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He shall see that the constitution and by-laws are rightly executed and that the other Officers of the Association fulfill their duties correctly. He shall call special meetings when requested by the Board of Directors. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees unless otherwise provided and shall appoint chairmen of the various committees of the Association. He may appoint special committees assuming they do not conflict with standing committees. He shall preside at all meetings.

Article 2...Duties of the Vice President: The Vice-President shall act as presiding officer should the president be absent or unable to act. In case of disability of both President and Vice-President, the Director present with the most years of service as officer or director shall preside.

Article 3...Duties of the Secretary/Treasuer

Section 1: Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer

1.   Conducting the correspondence of the Association and keeping account of the same.

2.   Keeping and account of all expenses incurred.

3.   Keeping minutes of all meetings.

4.   Having charge of the books and papers relating to the office.

5.   Collecting all monies due the Association and keeping a correct account of same.

6.   Issuing all notices of meetings.

7.   Notifying those members who are in arrears with dues and removing their names from membership if unpaid three months after due date.

8.   Keeping a correct list of names of members and their addresses.

9.   Acting as custodian of the seal of the Association.

10.   Preparing a financial report for the calendar year and presenting same at the first called meeting after January 1. At the expense of the Association said statement shall be accompanied by a verification from a certified public accountant.

11.   Serving as editor of the annual yearbook and any newsletter published by the Association.

12.   Counting the ballots on vote for Annual Meetings cast by the President, Vice-President and the sixteen District Directors.

13.   Helping with the election process for Officers, Directors, and amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws as indicated further in these By-Laws.

Section 2: Furnishing bond on the request and approval of the Board of Directors with the cost of bond to be assumed by the Association. Bond policy will be held by the President.

Section 3: The Secretary-Treasurer shall be paid a salary for conducting the work of the Association with the amount of salary to be arranged for by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting.

Article 4 ... Duties of the Board of Directors

Section 1: The Board of Directors shall have general control of the affairs of the Association at all times as well as enforcement of all rules. In the interval between Meetings, they shall have authority to take such action as necessary when not in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws. Any action or incident not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws of the ABA shall be presented to the President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer for determination of further action.

Section 2: The Board shall have a meeting each year prior to the Annual Meeting with reports of said meetings going to the members at those general membership meetings.

Section 3: To represent an absent director a written proxy must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer at least seven days before the Annual Meeting.

Section 4: One half of the voting officers (9) constitutes a quorum at all called meetings.

Section 5: The Board of Directors may vote by mail, phone, or email on questions requiring immediate attention. A majority vote shall govern. These methods of communication will be used on a frequent basis on matters concerning the ABA.

Section 6: Each Director shall appoint a state or provincial representative for each state or province in his or her district in which there is one or more members.

Section 7: The Directors shall recommend to the Secretary-Treasurer the location of the District Meet. 

Article 5 ... Duties of State and Provincial Representatives

The State or Provincial Representative shall look after the affairs of the Association in the respective state or province and be encouraged to report back to the ABA their concerns. They can also place the State Meet of the ABA with the show of their choice.

Article 6 ... Manner of Holding Elections

Section 1: Nominations for office of President, Vice-President, and Directors must be filed in writing by email or regular mail, with the Secretary no later than November 1st in the year preceding the election. A confirmation from the Secretary will be sent to the candidate. Each membership shall be limited to one person running for office.

Section 2: Any members in good standing can submit their intention to run for the position of District Director for his or her district in which they reside.

Section 3: The Board of Directors will appoint a Recount chair prior to mailing the ballots to serve in the event of a close election or recount request.

Section 4: The Secretary-Treasurer shall mail to each member in good standing on or about December 15th proceeding the election year, a ballot which shall list the names of the offices to be filled as well as the name and state of each of the candidates. Any member joining the ABA after December 1st of the year preceding the election will not receive a ballot. The ballot will clearly contain the postmark deadline date which the ballot must have in order for it to be considered valid. A six week time period will be used based on the actual date of mailing. The postmark deadline for returning ballots will be strictly enforced. All ballots returned to the ABA office without sufficient postage will be returned to sender. Enclosed with the ballot shall be a return outer envelope addressed to the ABA Secretary-Treasurer, with a place in the upper left corner for the name, address, of the voter. Also enclosed shall be a smaller envelope with BALLOT printed thereon, in which to seal the ballot. As the ballots are returned, the Secretary-Treasurer shall check the postmark date, the name and address of the voter for authenticity. A record of all ballots cast by name will be maintained by the Secretary. The envelope marked BALLOT shall be removed from the mailing envelope and the District and State from whence it came shall be written on the face, or indicated in some other manner. The sealed Ballots shall be sent to the Election Commissioner by receipted mail. The outer envelope shall be retained by the Secretary until a resolution to destroy same is passed by the Board of Directors. Outer envelopes postmarked after the deadline as specified in the ballot, without name and address, shall not be opened but also retained.

Section 5: The names of candidates shall be arranged alphabetically on the ballot. No name shall appear on the ballot for more than one office. Each ballot shall have complete instructions for the guidance of the voter. All ballots must carry an indelible imprint of the Official ABA Corporate Seal for security purposes. A duplicate ballot shall be furnished on request in the event a ballot is misplaced or lost. No change can be made on a ballot once cast nor any ballot withdrawn. No ballot shall be counted that has been changed, tampered with, or improperly voted. A candidate for director shall be voted on only by members residing in the appropriate district.

Article 7 ... Duties of the Election Commissioner

It shall be the duty of the election commissioner to adhere to the following rules and regulations in the election of officers and directors.

Section 1: No Ballots are to be opened until the day following the deadline as set forth in the mailed ballot. The final tally of votes shall be completed only after Commissioner has verified with the Secretary-Treasurer that no further ballots are in transit and sufficient time has been allowed for foreign mail.

 Section 2: Counting the ballots.

A.  Ballots will be verified for authenticity by confirming the Corporate Seal imprint is present on all ballots counted. Any ballot which has been tampered with (erased, scribbled, or otherwise defaced) will not be counted, but put aside instead.

B. Ballots shall be assembled by states and then a count made for each candidate (President, Vice-President, District Director) in that state.

C. The votes for each candidate shall be assembled in state alphabetical order to obtain results for District Director and preserved in this order when forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer. This is necessary when the Secretary-Treasurer presents the sealed ballots at the meeting of the Board of Directors.

D.  A recapitulation of the votes for each candidate shall be made for each state and district.

E. The recapitulation shall set forth the ballots counted in each state, district and a grand total of the 16 districts.

Section 3: Results of the Election:

A.  The Election Commissioner shall record the results of the voting for each candidate and report to the Secretary and current President via phone.

B. In the event of a close election, a recount procedure will be as follows: Ballots will be sent to recount chair, as chosen by the Board via USPS Signature Required mail. The numerical data will not accompany said ballots. The Recount Chair will follow same procedures as Election Commissioner and report numbers to the Secretary Treasurer within 5 days of receipt of package.

C. The acting President will notify all candidates of the results via telephone.

D.  A certification of the results (and amendments, if any) shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer , together with all counted ballots in a sealed package which shall be held by the Secretary-Treasurer until such time as he Board of Directors shall pass a resolution to dispose of same. If a recount is required, the said package will be sent to the recount Chair as per procedures outlined above.

Section 4: Other duties

A.  Any other action of the Association requiring a vote by mail or as requested by the Board of Directors shall be included in the duties of the Election Commissioner.

Section 5: Breaking of a tie vote

A.  In case of a tie vote for any office, the Secretary with the help of the Election Commissioner shall mail ballots to all those who voted requesting them to cast their vote to break the tie.

B. In the case where an incumbent office holder is involved in a tie vote, the incumbent shall be declared the winner.

Article 8 ... Duties of the Committee on Publicity

It shall be the duty of the Publicity Committee to develop plans for publicizing the ABA in the most positive manner possible and to reach the maximum number of potential members using practical approaches within the means of the ABA budget. These plans are to be presented to the Board of Directors. This committee is responsible for developing plans to publicize the major events sponsored by the ABA. The committee chairperson or designee will report on the activities of this committee at each Annual Board of Directors and general membership meetings and at any other time as requested by the President.

Article 9 ... Duties of the Standard Committee

Section 1: It shall have charge of all matters relating to changes or additions to BANTAM STANDARD. It shall draw up proper color, shape and weight standards for all recognized breeds and varieties.

Section 2: It shall submit a report on its actions to the annual or semi-annual meeting on such changes in BANTAM STANDARD received not less than 90 days prior to the meeting. A majority vote is required for approval. Before reaching the floor of the annual meeting the Board of Directors shall approve or disapprove recommendations of the Standard Committee.

Section 3: The Standard Committee shall try to work with similar committees of other organizations promoting proper standards.

Article 10 ... Duties of Judges Licensing Committee

Section 1: It shall prepare the written examination issued to the candidates by way of the committee Chairman.

Section 2: The committee shall score written examinations and advise candidates

Section 3: The Chairman makes all arrangements between candidate and examining judge.

Section 4: Successful candidates are certified by the committee to the Secretary-treasurer who in turn issues numbered certificates.

Section 5: The Chairman will make a written report to the Board of Directors at the National Meet

Section 6: A current copy of all licensing policies shall he maintained by the Chairman as well as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association.

Section 7: The committee through its chairman shall apply and enforce all policies regarding the licensing of ABA judges and applicants for the ABA licenses.

Section 8: Licensing policy changes and/or revisions must be presented by the Licensing Committee Chairman to the Board of Directors at the National Meeting. After discussion by the Board of Directors these proposed changes and/or revisions must be published in the QUARTERLY which will allow for comment by the members. Following this, the changes and/or revisions must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 9: Candidate must have been a member of the ABA in good standing for five consecutive years.

Section 10: The two-year stewardship program includes stewarding or clerking at a minimum of eight different shows under eight different licensed ABA judges. Each candidate will provide a stamped envelope addressed to the Judges Licensing Committee Chairman along with a clerking form to the ABA Licensed Judge whom you are clerking for. The ABA Licensed judge will complete and send the form to the Chairman. The Applicant must also judge two junior shows of at least 100 bantams which will be evaluated by an ABA Licensed judge with 5 or more years tenure before taking the show room and final written examination.

Section 11: A judges license may be suspended or revoked by the committee for gross incompetence. fraud, conduct embarrassing to the association, or non-payment of dues. Anyone so charged may appeal in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer and President asking for an appeal hearing before the Board of Directors at their next meeting. The complaint must initially be in writing to the ABA Secretary-Treasurer postmarked within 14 days of the occurrence. The Secretary-Treasurer shall forward the complaint to this committee, a fair hearing shall be given, and a timely decision made. A majority decision shall rule.

 Article 11 ... Duties of the Committee on Grievance and Appeals

Section 1: This committee shall have charge of all complaints by members against other members or member organizations for acts or conditions damaging to the ABA. The complaint shall be in writing to the ABA Secretary-Treasurer, postmarked or by electronic means within 14 days of the occurrence. The Secretary-Treasurer shall forward this complaint to this committee, a fair hearing shall be given, and a timely decision made. A majority decision shall rule provided there is a quorum. The member may appeal the decision in writing post marked or by electronic means within 14 days of the decision to the Secretary-Treasurer and President asking for an appeal hearing. This hearing can take the form of an electronic conference or next in person Board Meeting at the Presidents discretion.

Section 2: Rules on protest of awards. Protests may be entertained in the case of apparent dishonesty on the part of judge, or the apparent carelessness that has resulted in the placing of a disqualified or demonstrably inferior specimen. This protest must be filed by an ABA member who is in good standing with the association prior to judging. The protest must be presented in writing to the local show chairman as soon as possible and before awards are handed outand accompanied by the fee indicated in the ABA show rules. This fee may be reviewed and adjusted by the ABA Board of Directors by majority vote. The local show committee consisting of three persons from the local association including the show chairman, working closely with the ABA judge or judges at the show, shall make a decision which shall be final. If the protest is sustained, the deposit shall be returned to the protester, otherwise it becomes the property of the local association.

Article 12 ... Duties of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee Section 1: All proposals to alter or amend the Constitution or the By-Laws shall be submitted to this committee first, for study and recommendation.

Article 13 ... Duties of the Ways and Means Committee Section 1: Auditing: This committee shall annually perform an audit of the financial records of the ABA to insure that proper accounting practices are followed, and that sufficient accuracy of these records exists. If any question arises as to accuracy or accounting procedures, an outside auditor may be commissioned at the request of the committee and with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors retains the authority to commission an outside auditor without a committee recommendation.

Section 2: Proposing an Operating Budget: This committee is responsible for developing and proposing an annual operating budget for the coming year to the Board of Directors at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Board each year. (In some cases, this meeting may actually be early in the year of the proposed budget when the National Meet is late in its’ designated time frame.)

Section 3: Oversight and Reporting: Ths committee will routinely monitor the financial results of the ABA and seek out cost reductions and income-producing ideas. The committee chairperson or designee will report on the activities of the committee at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors, at general membership meetings, and at other times requested by the President.

Article 14 ... Requirements for Admission of New Breeds and Varieties to Bantam Standard

Section 1: The Standard Committee shall make rules and set fees for admission of new breeds and varieties that are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. Any changes must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: All proposed changes in BANTAM STANDARD - additions or deletions of breeds or varieties, or changes in text - are to be published in the QUARTERLY so as to allow comment by members.

Section 3: Before admitting a new breed to the BANTAM STANDARD qualifying meets must be held at two shows hosting the ABA Annual or other board approved meet with a minimum of 25 birds in each variety to be qualified within the new breed exhibited in 4 classes (Cock-Hen-Cockerel-Pullet) by a minimum of 5 member breeders at each show. The two shows must be designated by the board of directors as appropriate locations for this new breed application. If a breed that has been previously accepted by the American Poultry Association applies for admittance and the description is in conflict with the description which was approved at a proper qualifying meet of the APA, then the applicant must either adjust the application so that the conflicts are removed or work with the Standard Committee of the APA to remove the conflict.

Section 4: Before admitting a new variety to an established breed in BANTAM STANDARD, a qualifying meet must be held at a show hosting the ABA Annual or other board approved location with a minimum of 25 birds exhibited in 4 classes (Cock-Hen-Cockerel-Pullet) by a minimum of 5 member breeders. If a variety that has been previously accepted by the American Poultry Association applies for admittance and the description is in conflict with the description which was approved at a proper qualifying meet of the APA, then the applicant must either adjust the application so that the conflicts are removed or work with the Standard Committee of the APA to remove the conflict.

Section 5: No changes are final until recommended by the Standard Committee and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the annual meeting.

Article 15 ... National Meet

Section 1: The National Meet shall be the most important meet of the Association.

Section 2: It shall be held each year between August 1 and the last day of February unless the Board of Directors decides not to hold it or select another date.

Section 3: The location of the National Meet will be chosen by the board of Directors with consideration given to allowing the meet to rotate around the country with priority given to the club’s offering and the ABA’s potential publicity. All areas of the country will be considered for the placement of this meet.

Section 4: All judges who judge bantam chicken classes shall have a Bantam Chicken Specialty License or a General License. Those who judge bantam duck classes shall have a Bantam Duck Special License or a General License. All judges who judge the Bantam Champions shall have a current ABA General License. All judges of the above categories must be ABA members in good standing. No Judge who judges shall exhibit and judge birds in the same bantam classification at these meets.

Section 5: The Secretary-Treasurer with the aid of the President and District Director shall make necessary preparations for the meet.

Article 16... District, State, and Provincial Meets

Section 1: There shall be a District Meet each year in each district with the possible exception of the district hosting the National meet. The date shall not conflict with the National Meet.

Section 2: A State or Provincial Meet shall be held in each state or province each year providing it does not conflict with the National Meet and that there are 10 or more members in the state or province.

Section 3: The District Director shall make all arrangements for the District Meet and the State or Provincial Representative for State or Provincial Meets with the aid of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4: All judges at all ABA sanctioned meets must be members in good standing of the A.B.A. At District, State, or Provincial and Special Meets; a minimum of one judge must be A.B.A. licensed and not less than 50% of the judging staff must be A.B.A licensed and all other judges must be A.P.A. licensed or Canadian Provincial licensed and must be A.B.A members in good standing. 

Section 5: Special Meets shall be placed with no limitation as to location or date.

Article 17 - Judging and Exhibiting by Judges

Section 1: Licensed judges shall not be allowed to both judge and show at any ABA meet (National, District, State, Provincial or Special). This includes multiple shows held at the same location over a weekend. It is implied that holders of ABA judges’ licenses shall be held to the conduct required by the ABA at all times. However, a licensed judge may exhibit in an open show and may judge a simultaneous junior show if it is separate from the open show.

Section 2: Emergency situations exist, but are not limited to those times when: (a) a judge listed in the show catalogue cancels after the entry deadline for the show has passed, in which case the substitute judge shall withdraw his/her birds from exhibition; (b) the number of entries indicates an additional judge should be added, in which case the substitute judge shall withdraw his/her birds from exhibition; or (c) a judge cannot complete his/her assignment during a show, in which case the substitute judge’s unjudged birds shall be withdrawn from competition, and he/she shall not participate in choosing the show champions if some of his/her birds have already been judged.

Section 3: Alleged violations of these provisions are valid grounds for filing a grievance, which may be filed by an ABA member who was an exhibitor at the show in question. Grievances must be filed with the ABA Secretary-Treasurer and postmarked within 14 days of the alleged violation. The Secretary-Treasurer shall then follow the procedures set forth in Article 11. If anonymity is desired, the grievance may be filed directly with the Chair of the Grievance Committee, in accordance with requirements set forth in this section.

Section 4: The Grievance Committee shall investigate and act in a timely manner, and as set forth in Article 11. If a grievance is upheld, the Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors appropriate penalties for the show and/or judge(s) in violation. The Board of Directors shall have the final authority to levy penalties. It is the ABA’s intention to hold accountable only those who create the situation, and not the larger community of exhibitors.

Section 5: Penalties may range from a written reprimand of the offending show and/or judge(s) to suspension of a show’s ABA sanctioning for up to 5 years, or suspension of a judge’s license for up to 5 years.

Section 6: Penalties imposed by the Board of Directors shall be publicized by the Secretary-Treasurer in the ABA’s Quarterly and in the Secretary-Treasurer’s column in the various poultry newspapers in the United States and Canada.

Article 18 ... Manner of Making Awards

Section 1: Awards are limited to members of the ABA.

Section 2: All awards are open to competition of all members.

Section 3: All disputes on awards not covered by rules will be decided by the Board of Directors and their findings shall be reported to the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4: The Association reserves the right to substitute any and all awards it offers but not able to obtain. The substitute shall be of equal value to the award offered.

Article 19 ... Dues

Section 1: The cost of annual dues shall be set annually by the ABA Board of Directors.

Section 2: All fees will be reviewed and set by majority vote by the BOD on an as needed basis.

Article 20 ... Regrouping of Districts and Groups of States

Section 1: Each year divisible by five, there will be a regrouping of districts if the Board of Directors deems it necessary.

Section 2: The Secretary-Treasurer shall draw up these proposed regrouping and advise members at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting. Any plan for regrouping must carry the approval of the Board of Directors before it is presented to the membership.

Article 21 ... Starred Win Program

Section 1: Starred wins can be earned in any of the following ways: Best and Reserve of Class (Modern, Game, Rose Comb Clean Legged, Single Comb Clean Legged, Any Other Comb Clean Legged, Feather Legged, Bantam Duck) Classes of 100 or more earn 1 starred win; Classes of 50-99 earn ½ star (½ stars will calculate at .50 stars towards the ABA Master Programs)

Section 2: Best and Reserve of Breed and/or Variety earn one star when the number of birds shown are 100 or more.

Section 3: A starred win is earned for Best Display if there are a minimum of 7 bantam displays shown A starred win is earned for Reserve Display if there are a minimum of 10 bantam displays shown.

Section 4: Starred wins are awarded to Best and Reserve Trios if there are a minimum of 30 bantam trios shown.

A single bird can only earn one star award.

Article 22 ... Master Exhibitor Program

Section 1: When a member, over any period of years, accumulates 20 starred wins (defined as best or reserve in a class of 100 or more birds), he or she becomes an ABA MASTER exhibitor. Competition limited to members of the Association.

Article 23... Master Breeder Program

Section 1: When a member, over any period of years, but not less than five, accumulates 20 starred wins in ONE VARIETY, he or she becomes an ABA MASTER BREEDER. Competition limited to members of the Association.

Article 24 ... Citation For Merit Program

Section 1: When a member, over any period of years, accumulates 5 starred wins in ONE VARIETY, he or she is awarded a Citation for Merit. Competition limited to members of the Association.

Article 25…The ABA Lifetime Achievement Award Program

Section 1: This is the highest and final level of achievement for exhibitors competing in the ABA system. It recognizes both the consistent long-term winner and the exhibitor capable of winning at major ABA meets. This award is based on winning over a large number of competitor’s birds over a prolonged period of time. The minimum time span for the Life Achievement Award is 10 years. Only starred wins earned while the exhibitor was an ABA member in good standing will be counted.

Section 2: An exhibitor would qualify for the ABA Life Achievement Award when 20 Gold starred wins were earned. Gold stars may be earned in any one of the following ways: A starred win in a class of 2,000 or more birds earns one Gold starred win. Each Gold win is calculated at a value of 1.00 towards the Lifetime Achievement Award. A starred win in a class of 1,000-1,999 birds earns one Silver starred win. Two Silver starred wins equate to one Gold starred win. Each Silver win is calculated at a value of .50 towards the Lifetime Achievement Award.  A starred win in a class of 400-999 birds earns one Bronze starred win. Five Bronze starred wins equate to one Gold starred win. Each Bronze win is calculated at a value of .20 towards the Lifetime Achievement Award A starred win in a class of 100-399 earns one Classic starred win. Twenty Classic starred wins equate to one Gold star. Each Classic win is calculated at a value of .05 towards the Lifetime Achievement Award. Half starred wins, as defined in Article 21-section 1, calculate towards the Lifetime Achievement Award at a value of .025.

Section 3: The association will recognize Life Achievement Award winners in several ways. (a) An appropriate plaque will be presented at a major meet, preferably a National Meet. (b) In the year in which the Award is earned, a full page in the ABA Yearbook will be devoted to each winner and their accomplishments. (c) All subsequent issues of the ABA Yearbook will have a section devoted to the names and pictures of Life Achievement Award winners. (d) Appropriate recognition would also be provided to those who achieve 20 gold wins at the breed or variety level.

Article 25 ... Life Membership Irrevocable Trust

Section 1: Life membership is provided for int he Constitution - Article 3, Section 1, (4) and all such fees shall be placed in an Irrevocable Trust (hereinafter called the “Fund”). It is the intention of the Association that the Fund’s principle shall be preserved in perpetuity, neither spent nor encumbered, and that the Fund’s investment income may be used to assist in funding the Association’s annual budget.

Section 2: Names of Life Membership Irrevocable Trust members shall be carried perpetually. The Life Membership fee is non-refundable for any reason.

Section 3: Any individual may become a Life Member at the fee set by the Board of Directors with recommendations from the Trustees. This fee is to be set annually at the National Meeting.

Section 4: The Fund shall administered by three trustees, each serving six-year, staggered terms. One trustee shall be appointed every two years. Trustees shall be nominated by the Association President, and must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Trustees may be re-appointed, if desired, at the discretion of the President and the Board if Directors.

Section 5: Trustees of the Fund are expected to pursue a conservative investment approach, and to report in writing annually to the Board of Directors on the Fund’s investment and performance. The Board of Directors bears final authority for the Fund.

Article 26 ... Frank L. Gary Memorial Fund

The Frank L. Gary Memorial Fund is part of the ABA Irrevocable Trust Fund. The principle of $2,075 is held perpetually and the interest derived from these monies are used to supplement the Best Bantam award at the ABA National Show.

Article 27…ABA Members Code of Conduct Laws

The Board of Directors will review the current ABA Members Code of Conduct on an Annual basis. The Code of Conduct requirements will be printed annually in the ABA yearbook. If an ABA member is reported in violation of these rules, their membership will be reviewed and recommendations as to their membership privileges will be made by majority vote of the Board of 16 Directors, Vice President, and President. The Officer and Directors vote will be final.

Article 28 ... Order of Business Rules

Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide of this Association, subject to the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws.